There isn't really one cure for bad breath. Bad breath may be caused by several different factors. The problem might not even lie in your breath. For example, if you fall asleep at night with your mouth wide open and the air is very dry, then you are likely to wake up with foul smelling breath. That is because your mouth gets dry and the bacteria in your mouth and teeth start to multiply and smell. That's easily fixed. Usually you simply brush your teeth in the morning, drink some water and you are fine. However, bad breath might have underlying causes which are more difficult to remedy. For example, there is post nasal drip bad breath which can be difficult to fix quickly. What happens is that there is mucus from the nasal passages which drips down constantly into the back of the mouth. This helps feed bacteria especially on the back of the tongue. The bacteria produces foul smelling sulfur compounds.
If you have might have an infant bad breath problem. Bad breath children or bad breath baby problems exist. ONe of the problems could be bad tooth decay. Some children consume too many sugary foods or especially drinks which contain a lot of hidden sugar and their small teeth get rotten easily. The decay may smell. Make sure you look after your infant's teeth such as brushing thoroughly and not too hard, and at least twice a day, and using a tooth pick to dislodge any bits of food trapped between the teeth after brushing as well. Inspect their teeth from time to time looking out for signs of decay which will be brown or black marks and holes. And infant bad breath may be caused by inflammation of the tonsils. This popular cause of bad breath infants may lead to difficulties in swallowing and a sore throat. Take them to the doctor for the appropriate medication. Fix bad breath in toddlers as you don't want any long term consequences. If you're not sure whether or not you have bad breath, ask your dentist. There is such a thing as a bad breath meter which your dentist can use too, though normally, they will simply conduct the easiest test of all which is just by smelling your breath!