I'll say it upfront first of all...there's rarely just one cure-all bad breath cure. Because often people have a bad breath for more than one reason. For example, they sleep with their mouths open and their mouths get dry and bacteria starts to multiply. So, yes, you can get some excellent stinky breath solutions but if you continue to sleep with your mouth wide open, eat garlic for every meal, have tonsil stones and never brush your teeth, I'd say there's a good bet your bad breath will continue. Sorry to be so brutal
So, let's take a closer look into the potential causes of bad breath.
In essence, bad breath that comes from the mouth (chronic halitosis can come from other parts of the body beyond the mouth..that's covered in a separate post) is caused by the bacteria that lives, eats, multiplies and basically parties in your mouth, particularly on the back on the tongue, and in the crevices between the teeth. Think of them as devilish little creatures feeding on your leftover food particles.
To discuss it in scientific terms, the anaerobic bacteria which is causing your bad breath emits certain chemicals including:
1. Hydrogen sulfide
2. Methyl Mercaptan
3. Dimethyl sulfide
If you've ever taken a chemistry class at school, you'll probably remember giggling as the teacher passed around a test tube of hydrogen sulfide. This is the smell of rotten eggs. And get this, not only do these chemicals smell, they also cause the production of more waste products which have 'lovely' odors of their own. Gross eh?
And then there's the smell of putrifying food called 'cadaverine'. Yes like the word cadavre or body. That's the leftover food in your mouth rotting and emitting a smell which is often described as 'sweaty feet'
And back to 'Xerostomia" which is the dentists' term for dry mouth. Dry mouth is when the usual flow of saliva has stopped for whatever reason. Dry mouth can be caused by certain drugs...some antidepressants for example, for sleeping with your mouth open in a dry room, tobacco and certain foods such as milk and cheese.
So I hope that's given you at least a quick introduction to bad breath causes. Once you've identified the cause of your halitosis then it stands to reason that's it's a lot easier to come up with a bad breath remedy.